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Chuck Graff Drops Bombshell on First Day of NEBS Conference

NEBS Guru Chuck Graff dropped a bombshell today, the first day of the 16th annual Verizon NEBS Conference in Scottsdale, AZ.  He announced his retirement.

All the other presentations about the broadband and wireless network, smart grid, ATT’s overview, energy efficiency, and even the presentation on evaluating product change paled in comparison.  Chuck’s official title is Director of Verizon Core Network and Technology, but in reality he is the Gatekeeper, Holder of the NEBS Test Commandments, and Chairman of the Board for all things concerning NEBS.

Chuck most recently told me of his intent to retire early this summer, when he and I were discussing some ITL issues.  With 37 years with Verizon under his belt, this wasn’t the first time he’d mentioned it.  So when I heard it, I smiled and invoked my state of Missouri citizenship card and told him that I would believe it when I saw it. 

Today, when he shook my hand, he had a smile on his face that seemingly said, ‘Are there any good fishing holes in Missouri?’

Despite his planned departure, the industry will continue to remember Chuck as the undisputed champion of NEBS compliance, the one who made many understand the importance and value of NEBS testing.

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