UL/CSA/EN/IEC 62368 Certification Discount
One of our representatives will be in contact with you shortly to schedule your UL/CSA/EN/IEC 62368 Testing project. Projects must have a purchase order submitted by 02/15/2018 and testing must be started before March 15, 2018 to receive the discount.
Take advantage of your one-time offer! By activating the promo deal you just received, you are now eligible to receive:
- Prices starting at $5,500 for the UL/CSA/EN/IEC 62368 certification bundle OR a 15% discount on your total cost of testing if the project is quoted at above $10,000.
- Projects can begin in as little as three business days and can complete certification or findings report in as little as 10 business days.*
- No licensing or label fees in the first year.
- Add a legacy certification to UL/CSA/EN/IEC 60950-1 or UL/CSA/EN/IEC 60065 for an additional $2,500.**
*Start and completion dates are contingent on receipt of samples, documentation and purchase order
**Legacy certifications can add up to five additional business days to project duration
To claim your discount, click the button below!