There was much relief when the European Union postponed the cessation of EN 55022:1998 to October 1, 2011. But now Information Technology Equipment manufacturers selling ITE products in the EU must face the music – EN 55022:2006 is upon us, as is Amendment A1:2007.
Here is a basic primer on the changes:
EN55022:2006 is based on CISPR 22 Edition 5, released in 2005. The major change in this edition was to remove the requirement for ferrite clamps to be used on cables exiting the test site.
Amendment A1 was issued by CISPR in 2005 also, and added requirements for testing above 1 GHz. The EN version was released in 2007.
Testing above 1 GHz is designed to simulate a free-space environment, so the ground plane needs to be covered with rf-absorbing material to suppress reflections. In addition, the specifications require a very low reflection from around the EUT.
The CISPR 22/EN 55022 limits are 4dB lower than the U.S. FCC limits for measurements below 3GHz and identical above 3GHz.
As with FCC rules, the upper frequency of the measurement range for the CISPR 22/EN 55022 measurements is a function of the highest frequency generated within the product.
Results from tests conducted per the older versions can likely continue to be used in October 2011 to help support your Declaration of Conformity to the EMC or R&TTE Directives. To see what tests may need to be repeated, we need to look at each of the different tests in turn:
AC power port conducted emissions, 0.15-30 MHz
No change.
Telecommunications ports conducted emissions
New ISN specification should produce a lower measurement, so there is not likely to be an impact here.
Radiated emissions, 30-1,000 MHz
Re-evaluation without the ferrite clamps is required, as it could cause an increase in the levels of radiated emissions, primarily for emissions radiated by the interface cables to the remote equipment.
Radiated emissions above 1GHz
This is a new requirement for equipment with internally-generated frequencies above 108 MHz.
For a more technical discussion of the new requirements of EN 55022:2006+A1:2007, watch this recorded webinar.