Tag Archives: epa

EPA Announces Final Criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced the final 2012 recognition criteria for its ENERGY STAR “Most Efficient” designation, which recognizes products with exceptional efficiency performance. In the second year of this pilot effort, eight product categories will be eligible for recognition: Air-source heat pumps Boilers Central air conditioners Clothes washers Furnaces Geothermal heat... Read More

ENERGY STAR Undergoes Specification Updates for Televisions, Computers, Displays & Imaging Equipment

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the midst of updating many ENERGY STAR specifications.  Here is the status of a few key categories: Televisions The effective date of Version 5.3 ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Televisions is September 30, 2011. Version 5.3 was finalized on January 24, 2011. These requirements establish challenging On... Read More

CES Features ENERGY STAR Testing & Verification Session

As part of the first day’s programming at the Consumer Electronics Show, the Tech Policy Summit featured a panel session on “ENERGY STAR and Consumer Electronics: What Does the Future Hold?”   This session covered how the recent changes to verification, testing and enforcement affect manufacturers, retailers and consumers.  As an EPA-recognized certification body, MET Laboratories... Read More