
ENERGY STAR Certification for Computers Now to Version 6.0

Effective last week (January 15, 2014), ENERGY STAR Certification Body (CB) MET Laboratories will no longer certify new products to the Version 5.2 Computer Specification for ENERGY STAR, per U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements.  V5.2 remains effective until June 2, 2014, when Version 6.0 will become effective.  The Computer specification includes the following product... Read More

ANSI C12 Committee Discusses Changes to C12.1 & C12.20 for Watthour Meter Testing

In October, MET Labs joined other C12 Accredited Standards Committee members in Charleston, SC at the EEI Transmission, Distribution & Metering Conference to discuss proposed revisions to ANSI C12.1, ANSI C12.20, and others, for the evaluation of Watthour Meters. This post is a summary of some of the proposed changes discussed during the Electricity Metering Subcommittee... Read More

IT Equipment Compliance to IEC 60950 for Taiwan BSMI Requires Additional I/O Port Testing

For a manufacturer looking to add Taiwan to its information technology equipment homologations program, a BSMI approval is required.  Therefore, testing supplemental to typical IEC 60950 certification is necessary. Standard compliance with IEC 60950 allows for the waiver of testing of I/O ports if they are sourced from a SELV (safety extra low-voltage) and/or power... Read More

UN/DOT 38.3 Transportation Testing Required for Lithium Battery Safety During Shipping

GET A QUOTE FOR Battery TESTING Nearly all lithium batteries are required to pass section 38.3 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, to ensure the safety of lithium batteries during shipping. Take advantage of MET’s single-source testing laboratories to meet battery safety requirements during shipping and throughout its lifetime. UN/DOT 38.3: Lithium Battery... Read More

COFETEL Replaced by IFETEL for Mexico Telecom Approvals

As of September 2013, the Mexican telecommunications agency, the Federal Telecommunications Commission (COFETEL), has been replaced by IFETEL (Federal Institute of Telecommunications).  IFETEL will be in charge of the Mexico telecom type approval processes for all equipment requiring testing for importation into Mexico.  COFETEL will no longer exist.  IFETEL’s responsibilities will include: Define the radiofrequency... Read More