
New Medical Equipment Safety of Interoperability Standard AAMI/UL 2800 Being Developed

This week, MET’s Product Safety Lab Director Rick Cooper is attending a meeting of a newly-convened standards committee in Long Beach, CA to discuss the creation of a new medical equipment safety of interoperability standard(s) tentatively known as AAMI/UL 2800. The meeting is well attended by interested parties consisting of certification agencies like MET Labs,... Read More

Early Consideration of EMC & Product Safety Compliance in Product Development Saves Time and Headaches

When developing a new electrical product, early consideration of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety compliance issues will pay major dividends later. If compliance is not engineered in from the start, expect to endure this pain: A major delay as the product is redesigned, jeopardizing time to market and product viability Significant extra costs for... Read More

Despite Difficult NEBS Testing, Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Increasingly Benefit from Compliance to GR-1089-CORE & GR-63-CORE

When the power goes out, more often than not, the landline phone still works.  And often the cell phone too.  This is no accident. The NEBS (Network Equipment Building System) family of standards is designed to keep the network running no matter what, and they are more comprehensive and more difficult to comply with than... Read More

Russia GOST R Replaced by Customs Union Technical Regulation

On February 15, 2013 the national Russian certification system GOST R and national Russian technical regulation “On Safety of Machinery Equipment” (Russian government order N 753 of September 15, 2009) were withdrawn.  Simultaneously, the new Customs Union Technical Regulation (CU TR) for most electrical products was enforced in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Earlier issued GOST... Read More

ICPHSO Product Safety Meeting Features Record Attendance & Strong CPSC Involvement

The International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO) Annual Meeting and Training Symposium is underway in Arlington, Va., and there are a record 800 product safety professionals in attendance.  ICPHSO is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. There is a good mix of manufacturers, retailers, industry associations, and independent test labs here.  The U.S.... Read More